CasinoEnChile simplemente proporciona la mejor experiencia de juego en línea disponibles en internet hoy.
Nuestro Sitio le permite ver un verdadero juego en vivo a través de la última tecnología Gaming Vivo. Todos los resultados se determinan a partir de un juego real, el cual se está reproduciendo
en vivo. No sólo se puede ver el juego en movimiento en tiempo real e interactuar con nuestras croupiers sino también usted puede estar tranquilo al saber que estos resultados son totalmente
auténticos y no son generados por un ordenador. es el más popular de los casinos en línea, ahora también es capaz de ofrecerle la más excitante experiencia de juego en Chile disponible hoy en día.
Nuestro Sitio ha sido diseñado para ser tan eficaz y simple como sea posible para nuestros Jugadores y ha sido implementado como una instalación de juegos seguros en internet.
Te invitamos a formar parte de nuestro casino de la forma más cómoda, segura y entretenida.
Una de las principales preocupaciones sobre las operaciones del juego online es garantizar el juego justo.
Comprendemos la importancia de explicar cómo se hace esto:
El ¨croupier¨de es realmente una computadora. Un Generador Randómico de Números es utilizado para asegurar que la performance sea realmente aleatoria. utiliza el confiable MD5 RNG, que provee consistentemente resultados aleatorios. El sistema ha sido testeado rigurosamente, haciendo millones de rondas y examinando los resultados. El sistema es también testeado sistemáticamente por CasinoenChile
Proveemos a nuestros Miembros de un Historial de resultados de sus juegos. La información puede ser consultada en cualquier momento, al accionar sobre el link del perfil, e incluye montos apostados, resultados de juego, asi como tambien información de Depósitos y Retiros.
CasinoenChile ha sido auditado internacionalmente en términos de Porcentajes de Pago en todos sus juegos de Casino y Tragamonedas.
La revisión es llevada a una base mensualmente, e incluye el Porcentaje de Pago de cada juego en
¿Cómo registrarse en
Registrarse y ser parte la comunidad CasinoEnChile es muy fácil y rápido, el primer paso es ingresar a nuestro Sitio, luego deberá hacer clic en el botón “Registrarse” ubicado en la parte superior derecha de nuestra Sitio, de inmediato aparecerá un formulario donde debe completar todos los datos solicitados de manera veraz, al final el Jugador deberá aceptar nuestros Términos y Condiciones y aceptar que su registro corresponde a un Jugador mayor de edad.
Luego de diligenciar el formulario, su cuenta está a un paso de ser activada; le enviaremos un código al número de teléfono que estableció en el registro y una vez lo coloque en el Sitio su proceso será exitoso y está más que listo para empezar a jugar y ganar. Recuerde que su nombre de Jugador es el Username registrado y la contraseña que definió al momento de registrarse.
¿Se puede abrir más de una cuenta?
No, un Jugador única y exclusivamente puede tener una Cuenta de Jugador registrada con su número de identificación.
¿Debe proporcionar algún documento de identidad para que se verifiquen sus datos?
En CasinoEnChile nos tomamos muy en serio el juego responsable, por eso y otras razones es importante que podamos identificar como mayores de edad a cada uno de nuestros Jugadores, evitando así ir en contra de la normatividad. Es por esto que la información suministrada en el proceso de registro pasa por un proceso de verificación de datos y, en caso que se requiera, solicitaremos al Jugador el envío del documento de identidad, además si un Jugador solicita el cambio de alguno de sus datos sensibles, como correo electrónico, deberá comunicarse con nuestro soporte a través de los formularios de contacto disponibles.
¿Cómo se validan los datos?
La validación de datos se hace directamente con terceros encargados y autorizados, ellos nos suministran los datos referentes al número de documento que se está registrando en nuestra plataforma y si estos son correctos el registro se aprueba exitosamente.
¿Cómo puede cambiar su contraseña?
Si ya ha iniciado sesión en su Cuenta de Jugador y desea cambiar su contraseña, podrá dirigirse al menú principal y seleccionar la opción "Cambiar Contraseña".
Si no ha iniciado sesión, puede dirigirse a la página principal, presionar la opción “Ingresar” y hacer clic en “Has olvidado tu contraseña?”, ingresando la dirección de correo electrónico de su Cuenta de Jugador y recibir un email para restablecer la contraseña.
¿Es posible actualizar sus datos personales?
Sí es posible, pero no todos sus datos podrán ser actualizables, para hacerlo el Jugador deberá ingresar a su Cuenta de Jugador, dirigirse al menú principal y seleccionar la opción "Mi Perfil" y realizar los pasos respectivos.
Podrá actualizar solamente la información de: sexo, ciudad y país, se solicitará que ingrese su contraseña actual para poder realizar los cambios solicitados.
Cualquier otro dato que desee actualizar deberá enviar correo electrónico a , en donde se solicitará información para corroborar que eres el propietario de la cuenta.
El Jugador que se registre tendrá a su disposición un Bono de bienvenida de CLP 5.000, Bono de Primera Carga que equivale al 100% de la primera carga de saldo, Bono de Segunda Carga equivalente al 25% de la segunda carga de saldo y el Bono de Tercera Carga equivalente al 50% de la tercera carga de saldo. Estos bonos se entregan de forma consecutiva y los mismos están condicionados a Términos y Condiciones específicos.
¿Cómo recargar su cuenta?
Para recargar su cuenta de Jugador deberá ingresar a la opción de cajeros, depósitos en el menú principal del Sitio:
- Pago con tarjetas de crédito/débito: en nuestra plataforma tenemos disponible diferentes proveedores de pago, una pasarela de pago electrónico fácil, rápido y seguro para que pueda recargar su cuenta desde cualquier dispositivo conectado a internet. Nota: debe tener en cuenta que la información que ingrese al momento de realizar el depósito como tarjetahabiente debe coincidir con la información de su Cuenta de Jugador en de lo contrario su transacción será rechazada.
¿Qué es un retiro?
Un retiro es una solicitud de recuperación de las ganancias del Jugador. Se realiza desde la opción de cajeros opción retiros en el menú principal del Sitio, donde se ingresa un monto total o parcial del balance que hasta ese momento tiene el Jugador en su cuenta. Se envía un correo electrónico al Jugador indicando que tiene una solicitud de retiro y cuando la solicitud es procesada por el equipo de operaciones de CasinoEnChile, se envía un comprobante de la transacción al Jugador, junto con el depósito del dinero en su cuenta bancaria.
¿Tiene un valor máximo para retirar?
No, no tiene valor máximo a retirar.
¿Existe algún requerimiento técnico para usar
CasinoEnChile es compatible actualmente con todos los navegadores en todos los sistemas operativos y en todos los dispositivos móviles. Recomendamos que si desea realizar apuestas en nuestra modalidad de juego “Apuestas juego en vivo” deberá contar con una buena conexión a internet. Si de lo contrario presenta algún inconveniente accediendo o usando nuestro Sitio agradeceríamos nos informará de inmediato a través del formulario de contacto en el Sitio, o por los canales de comunicación existentes.
Si el Sitio no se carga correctamente o está tomando mucho tiempo, ¿qué debo hacer?
Si está presentando alguno de estos inconvenientes, solicitamos nos notifique contactando nuestro equipo de soporte, el cual procederá de derivar el caso al área respectiva para solucionar.
¿Debe cambiar periódicamente la contraseña?
El manejo de la contraseña es única y exclusivamente responsabilidad del Jugador. En estamos comprometidos con el buen uso y la seguridad de su Cuenta de Jugador, por lo tanto, le recomendamos cambiar su contraseña de acceso periódicamente y así evitar posibles suplantaciones. En caso de que transcurran 12 (doce) meses desde el momento que se creó la Cuenta de Jugador enviaremos una notificación recomendándole cambiar la misma.
¿Qué son los juegos de azar?
Son aquellos juegos cuyos resultados no dependen exclusivamente de la habilidad o destreza de los jugadores, sino esencialmente del acaso o de la suerte.
¿Qué es una máquina de azar?
Una máquina de azar corresponde a todo sistema o toda máquina electrónica, electromecánica, eléctrica o que funcione con cualquier otro modo de operación, que permita recibir apuestas en dinero, conceda a cada persona un tiempo de uso o de juego y, que a través de un sistema aleatorio de generación de resultados, otorgue, eventualmente, un premio en dinero o avaluable en dinero.
¿La destreza de un Jugador permite tener más posibilidades de obtener un premio en las máquinas de azar?
La destreza de quien juega en las máquinas de azar, ya sea innata o adquirida a través del entrenamiento, no asegura para éste un cambio favorable en la posibilidad de obtener un premio, puesto que ella no es capaz de contrarrestar los efectos producidos por el azar en el resultado final del juego.
¿Se puede obtener un premio cada vez que se juega en una máquina de azar?
La obtención de un premio dependerá siempre del azar, por lo que el resultado de cada jugada no depende de los resultados anteriores o posteriores que se registren en una máquina de azar. Se puede efectuar un alto número de jugadas y no ganar un premio o bien hacer una sola apuesta y obtener un premio elevado.
¿Cuáles son las probabilidades de ganar un premio en una máquina de azar?
Cada programa de juego de las máquinas de azar debe estar diseñado para que otorgue premios en él % del total de combinaciones de jugadas posibles como mínimo, lo que es denominado porcentaje de retorno.
En nuestro Sitio estos porcentajes dependiendo del proveedor oscilan entre el 92% al 96% (mínimos de retorno).
¿Cómo se calcula el porcentaje de retorno de las máquinas de azar?
El porcentaje de retorno corresponde al monto total ganado en la totalidad de jugadas realizadas en una máquina de azar, dividido por el monto total apostado por todos los Jugadores en dicha máquina de azar, multiplicado por 100.
Se debe considerar que este cálculo de retorno se aplica en un ciclo completo del juego de azar en cuestión. Es al final del ciclo indicado por el fabricante del juego que aplicando la fórmula mencionada anteriormente se determina el % de retorno.
Un ciclo de un juego dependiendo del fabricante se traduce en cierta cantidad de jugadas totales, siendo lo normal que estos ciclos son de miles de jugadas.
Por lo cual el porcentaje de retorno no se puede calcular en base al historial de jugadas de un Jugador particular en un rango de tiempo determinado, porque este historial no representa todo el ciclo de jugadas que ha tenido el juego, es solo una fracción mínima dentro del ciclo; y por lo tanto no permite la determinación matemática del porcentaje de retorno.
¿Cómo puede realizar una apuesta?
Para realizar una apuesta deberá tener balance disponible en sus créditos de participación, podrá recargar a través de las diferentes opciones indicadas en la página, a continuación deberá seleccionar el juego al que desea apostar, y dependiendo del tipo de juego que seleccione, la apuesta se hace por el monto indicado en el mismo menú del juego.
- ¿Es seguro ingresar sus datos bancarios en este Sitio?
Para proteger sus datos CasinoEnChile delega al proveedor de pago la captura de la información sensible. Ya que la plataforma de pagos cumple con los más altos estándares exigidos por la norma internacional de seguridad en transacciones con tarjeta de crédito.
Además, tiene certificado de seguridad SSL, el cual garantiza comunicaciones seguras mediante la encriptación de todos los datos hacia y desde el Sitio; de esta manera se podrá sentir seguro a la hora de ingresar la información de su tarjeta.
Durante el proceso de pago, en el navegador se muestra el nombre de la organización autenticada, la autoridad que lo certifica y la barra de dirección cambia a color verde. Estas características son visibles de inmediato y dan garantía y confianza para completar la transacción con el Proveedor de Pago.
- ¿Puede realizar el pago cualquier día y a cualquier hora?
Sí, contamos con proveedores de pagos y podrá realizar sus cargas en línea los 7 (siete) días de la semana, las 24 (veinticuatro) horas del día a sólo un clic de distancia. - ¿Pagar electrónicamente tiene algún valor para el Jugador?
No, los pagos electrónicos realizados a través de los proveedores de pago no generan costos adicionales para el Jugador. - ¿Qué debe hacer si su transacción no concluyó?
En primera instancia, revisar si llegó un email de confirmación de la transacción a la cuenta de correo electrónico inscrita en el momento de realizar el pago, en caso de no haberlo recibido, deberá contactarse directamente a nuestro soporte online para confirmar el estado de la transacción. - ¿Qué debe hacer si no recibe el comprobante de pago?
Por cada transacción aprobada a través del proveedor de pago, recibirá un comprobante del pago con la referencia de compra en la dirección de correo electrónico que indicó al momento de pagar, si no lo recibe, podrá contactarse directamente a nuestro soporte online y allí atenderemos su solicitud y le ayudaremos.






El Jugador puede realizar cargas de saldo a través de métodos de acreditación por tarjetas de crédito o débito en cualquier momento desde el Sitio.
El procedimiento de acreditación en la cuenta de Jugador en el Sitio, comienza con el depósito del Jugador a través de empresas de pago o monederos que se ofrecen en el Sitio. Estas empresas de recaudo de fondos reciben el depósito de nuestros Jugadores, comprueban que están debidamente constituido los fondos e informan, internamente, a la plataforma de acreditación de saldos del Sitio, Jugador y monto depositado, recibida la información se acredita a su balance y queda disponible para su uso.
El Operador pone a disposición de sus Jugadores varias empresas externas de medios de pagos o monederos, así el Jugador tiene la oportunidad de elegir la que le parezca más conveniente. Por intermedio de estas empresas de pago el Operador recibirá los depósitos y efectuará los pagos a sus Jugadores.
El Jugador declara haber sido informado de que toda suma de dinero relacionada con su Cuenta de Jugador no producirá ningún tipo de intereses; no procederá a realizar reclamo alguno a este respecto, independientemente del período de tiempo que el dinero haya permanecido en la cuenta de juego.
Siempre que se cumplan todas las disposiciones del presente contrato, el Operador se compromete a ejecutar inmediatamente las solicitudes de retiro de ganancias del Jugador, en la medida que el saldo de la Cuenta de Jugador resulte positivo.
El procedimiento es el siguiente:
- Se inicia con la solicitud del Jugador en el Sitio. Esta solicitud entra al proceso de retiros, el cual se efectúa por orden de llegada.
- El retiro de ganancias de montos inferiores a USD 1.300 es pago inmediato tras la verificación de los datos de la Cuenta de Jugador y que el monto que se solicita retirar esté disponible en dicha cuenta. Verificado ello, el Operador generará la instrucción de pago por el medio elegido por el Jugador. El Operador se compromete a efectuar este proceso en forma inmediata.
- Para el retiro de ganancias de montos iguales o superiores a USD 1.300, se requiere una autorización de la plataforma de análisis de jugadas, que consiste en un chequeo de los movimientos del Jugador, en el que se verifica que estos estén correctos y no existan errores o anomalías en ellos. Este visto bueno tiene un plazo máximo de ejecución de 8 (ocho) horas hábiles. Una vez obtenido el visto bueno, se genera la instrucción de acuerdo a lo indicado en el punto anterior. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, el Operador se reserva el derecho a efectuar el pago al día siguiente hábil mediante depósito de cheque bancario.
En caso de divergencias entre el resultado mostrado en el Sitio y el registrado directa o indirectamente por el Operador en su servidor informático a través del Software, este último prevalecerá en todo caso.
El Jugador reconoce y acepta que únicamente se considerarán como prueba los ficheros informáticos del Operador.
Por tanto, sólo los datos y registros obtenidos y/o almacenados directa o indirectamente por el Operador se considerarán probatorios de la existencia y contenido de los derechos y obligaciones del Operador y el Jugador, sea cual sea el soporte.
La utilización de la Cuenta de Jugador se limita estrictamente a su participación en los juegos en línea ofrecidos en el Sitio. La realización de depósitos en la Cuenta de Jugador sólo puede destinarse a este fin, excluyéndose cualquier otro uso, como el de cuenta bancaria, traspaso de fondos a otro Jugador del Sitio o cualquier otro donde pertenezca el Sitio del Operador.
El Jugador se compromete expresamente a no oponerse ni anular en su banco, por cualquier motivo, ningún pago de las cantidades debidas al Operador. Deberá actuar del mismo modo en caso de que cualquier importe se haya cargado en su tarjeta de débito. Por tanto, el Jugador renuncia irrevocable y definitivamente a oponerse o rechazar pago alguno por importes debidos al Operador.
El Operador utiliza métodos de encriptación privada y pública para asegurar, en la medida de lo posible, la confidencialidad de la contraseña de los Jugadores y proteger el acceso al software y los juegos. Sin embargo, el Jugador es el único responsable del buen uso de la Cuenta de Jugador y de la confidencialidad de su contraseña.
Se prohíbe al Jugador utilizar los medios de pago o la Cuenta de Jugador de un tercero o de otro Jugador, incluso con el consentimiento de éste. Además, el Jugador concede al Operador el derecho a deducir de la Cuenta de Jugador cualquier importe que haya percibido indebidamente por uso fraudulento o error de funcionamiento en el Sitio o en los juegos.
El Jugador se compromete a indemnizar al Operador por cualquier pérdida relacionada con los pagos o posibles montos impagos que le deba el Jugador, o con el uso indebido o abusivo de su Cuenta de Jugador.
El Jugador acepta que:
- El Operador utilice procesos electrónicos de pago de terceros y/o instituciones financieras que gestionan los pagos realizados por el Jugador en su actividad con el Sitio, el software o los juegos.
- El Operador bloqueé la Cuenta de Jugador en caso de sospecha de fraude, trampa o uso del Sitio o de los juegos contrarios al presente Contrato.
- El Operador impida el uso de ciertas tarjetas de crédito relacionadas con actividades ilícitas, fraude, trampa o incumplimiento del Contrato.
- El Operador pueda solicitar al Jugador los datos de su cuenta bancaria y las transacciones financieras realizadas en relación con el uso del Sitio por iniciativa del Jugador.
- El Operador no será responsable en ningún caso del uso fraudulento o abusivo de una Cuenta de Jugador o de tarjetas de crédito o débito robadas, incluso si dicho uso abusivo o fraudulento de la Cuenta de Jugador o el robo de las tarjetas hubiese sido comunicado al Operador.
Los Bonos son cantidades de dinero promocional que el Operador W&C N.V. facilita gratuitamente a sus Jugadores para incentivar el uso del Sitio
La disponibilidad y utilización de los Bonos está sujeta a las condiciones de cada promoción, así como a los requisitos generales de utilización de la página y los contenidos en los Términos y Condiciones. El Jugador debe respetarlos para poder beneficiarse de los Bonos.
En términos generales los Bonos otorgados por el Sitio a sus Jugadores permiten cobrar la ganancia generada con el Bono; y al momento del retiro o cobro se pagará la ganancia generada con el Bono y éste se descontará.
El Jugador podrá acceder a los términos y condiciones de cada promoción cuando esté conectado a la página, a través del enlace Bonos, donde figuran las condiciones especiales de cada uno de los Bonos promocionales a los que puede tener acceso el Jugador.
Privacy Policy
The WEB site belongs to the company W&C N.V. which is a limited liability company, domiciled in E-Comerce Park Vredenberg Curacao.
W&C N.V. operates under License No. 8048/JAZ issued to Antillephone, Authorized and Regulated by the Government of Curaçao, hereinafter the "License".
The company's objective is to organize, market, promote, manage, and operate through its authorized sites, all types of remote gaming activities, comprising gaming, betting and other betting exchange operations, interactive casinos, bingos, lotteries, sports betting and other interactive games and entertainment.
The purpose of this "Privacy Policy" is to disclose the conditions governing the collection and processing of your personal data by the Operator, hereinafter referred to as "Confidential Information".
Operator: W & C N.A.V a limited liability company, domiciled at E-Comerce Park Vredenberg Curacao
Site: Corresponds to the Internet site available at the URL and any other related site accessible through links and/or other means of access operated by the Operator.
Contract: Means the set of terms and conditions and other clauses described in this instrument, the norms and rules contained in the "Terms and Conditions" and in the "Game Rules" and detailed instructions for each of the specific games available on the Site.
User: Any person over 18 years of age with a valid and enabled user account on the Site.
User Account: It is a personal registration opened by a User, which allows him/her, under the conditions defined by the Contract, to have access to the Site and the Software through which he/she will play and bet online on the games offered. In order for such registration to be operational, it must be validated by the Operator after the checks defined by the Operator or required by any applicable regulations have been carried out.
Software: Any program, data or other element contained in the Site that allows the User to participate in online games.
- Personal information
The first type of information is the one that identifies or reasonably can identify a person or User ("Personal Information"). This Personal Information may consist of the following:
Registration Data: When the User opens a User Account and registers to use the Site, he/she will be asked for certain personal data, such as: first and last name, e-mail address, gender, date of birth, country of residence, national identification number, telephone number, etc.
Identity Number: In certain instances, Users will be required to provide their national identification number, ID card, to prove their identity. This information is required for certain functions of our services.
Voluntary Information: We also collect information that Users provide voluntarily. For example, when they respond to any type of communication, when they communicate with us via email or any of the channels that the Operator provides for communication with its Users.
Device information: We also collect device information, browser version, IP address or geo-location data.
Phone calls: We monitor phone calls for customer support and/or security purposes.
- Non-personal information
The second type of information collected by the Operator is non-identifying and non-identifiable information pertaining to the User, which may be available or collected through the User's use of the Site's services ("Non-Personal Information").
The non-personal information that is collected consists of technical and aggregate usage information, and may contain, among other things, the user's operating system, browser type, user connection times on the Site.
The types of Non-Personal Information collected by the Operator are as follows
Technical information: To improve the functionality of the services and provide a better experience, technical information transmitted by the device is collected, including certain information about your software and hardware (e.g., the type of browser and operating system your device uses, access time, etc).
Game information: The Operator stores game information, among other things, deposits, bets, bonuses, duration of the game session and favorite games played by Users.
Device and Connection Information: We may collect information from the device you use, for security, fraud detection and for the purpose of preventing any type of illicit activity. For example, we may collect information regarding other software which is running concurrently with yours to detect if the software you are using is related to any type of fraudulent activity (e.g., bots, malware, etc.) or to check if the connection you are using is via VPN or proxy.
We use your Personal Information for the following purposes:
- To set up, manage and update User Accounts;
- To provide and operate the Services (e.g., process bets or payments);
- To communicate with Users and keep them informed about the latest updates to our services, as well as communicate special promotions;
- To market the Operator's services as well as to send advertisements, including behavioral and/or behavioral advertisements;
- To manage the relationship with the Users, assist in the resolution of any problems that may occur in our services and thus be able to respond to their questions or queries;
- To provide a responsible gaming environment;
- To communicate with Users and process any request in use of User's rights;
- To detect and prevent any illegal, fraudulent or other activity that may jeopardize or adversely affect the integrity of the services, including identifying risks associated with your activity on the Site.
- To investigate violations of policies and terms and conditions, as well as to enforce our policies;
The Operator agrees to protect and respect the Confidential Information of each User of the Site.
It is important that each Site User carefully reads and understands this confidentiality section and the terms of the Agreement, where all the information regarding the use of personal data, as well as the rights and obligations of the Users can be found.
The Operator will only access Users' personal data when it needs to carry out regular Site services, such as processing deposits and withdrawals of winnings or providing additional information requested by the Users. Email is the main means of contact to inform Users about new updates to the Software and the Agreement, to send them the latest promotions or to assist with operations such as deposits and withdrawals, as well as to answer questions sent by filling out a form on the Site. If the User does not wish to receive advertising material, he/she should unsubscribe from the newsletter or contact customer service.
The Operator shall have access to the personal data of the Users, which is essential to carry out its obligations and to ensure at all times that the Users receive the necessary assistance.
The Operator complies with the applicable regulations on data protection and protection of Users of online games and has taken the necessary measures to ensure that the data of its Users are not accessible by third parties and that any communication between Users and the Operator's technical gaming systems or customer service is encrypted and strictly confidential.
All data obtained during the registration process and the use of the Site are stored in the Operator's database, even if the User decides to close his/her account. Such data is also stored as a measure to prevent fraudulent activities and money laundering. The Operator reserves the right to report any suspicious activity or to hand over any information to the competent authorities if it believes that there are indications of criminal acts.
At any time, the User may exercise his or her rights under the Contract and the applicable legal regulations by writing to:
Postal Address: W&C N.V , E-Comerce Park Vredenberg Curacao.
E-mail address: (indicate a contact email).
Telephone: (please specify)
Occasionally, emails sent by the Operator may automatically arrive in the spam folder. We recommend that our users or players add the above email address to their contact list to ensure that they receive all promotions and other communications in their inbox.
Cookies make it possible to recognize the device used to access the Site. This makes it possible to ensure optimal navigation and to remember user preferences, allowing for a personalized experience. They also allow us to carry out essential operations and improve our services.
In case of regulation in some of the applicable jurisdictions, the Operator agrees to make an adjustment of the limits imposed by the same on the Site without affecting the operability of its functions, in turn, the self-limitations will be evaluated since the limitations imposed by the system must prevail over the limitations imposed by the User. In the case of deposits, if the deposit is greater than the limit imposed by the system, the User will be refunded the full amount of the deposit made within a period not exceeding 48 working hours.
The Operator agrees to make an adjustment of the limits imposed by the same on Sitioo without affecting the operability of its functions, in turn self-limitations will be evaluated since the limitations imposed by the system must prevail over the limitations imposed by the User.
The Operator offers a mechanism of voluntary self-exclusion by the User to control his/her bets, the self-exclusion means that the account on the Site will remain closed for a period of time that the User can choose, following the date on which the User is making the request. The account will not be reactivated under any circumstances during the period of exclusion.
It is a way for any person who believes to have gambling problems (compulsive gambling) to close his/her account temporarily or indefinitely, in these cases it will not be possible to play, deposit money, although it will be possible to make total or partial withdrawals, if the player is going to exclude himself/herself indefinitely he/she has the obligation to withdraw all the funds available in his/her account.
The Operator agrees to comply with the exclusions established by the user, and to offer him the mechanisms to revoke it. It is important for the user to take into account that in order to get out of the self-exclusion the user must request the revocation by filling out a form, the revocation will be immediate.
This Privacy and Data Protection Policy, as well as the Agreement, is subject to change in response to possible legislative changes or to ensure proper adaptation to industry practices. Any changes will be duly notified either by e-mail or by posting a notice on the Site, and must be accepted by the User, according to the procedure detailed in the Agreement.
Our goal is to offer you a high quality service. We want your experience on our website to be pleasant and safe, so our commitment to responsible gambling is high. For responsible gambling is based on protecting minors, informing players about the possible harmful effects of gambling and preventing such effects.
Protecting minors is an unavoidable responsibility. is strictly limited to adult players, so our registration form requires documentation with which to verify the age of our players, among other data. In addition, there are some simple security measures you can take to help minors not play in our casino:
- Never leave your session open.
- Do not leave your login details within reach of minors.
- Limit the amount of time that minors spend connected to the internet without supervision.
- Install an access control program such as: Sentry PC, Cber Patrol, GamBlock or Net Nanny.
- Do not leave your children unattended near your computer when the casino or poker room game is open.
- Protect your betting programs with access through username and password.
- Do not allow people under the age of 18 to participate in any betting activity.
- Keep your username, password and deposit methods out of reach of children.
- Educate your children about the legislation and potential damage of betting by minors.
- Limit the time your children spend on the internet.
- Unfortunately, there is no system that is completely infallible. If you know of a person who is under 18 and who is registered at, please notify us through one of our communication channels: online chat, support or
Informing players about the possible negative influences of the game and the repercussions they may have is part of our goal. For most users, gambling is a source of fun and entertainment, however, a low percentage of players develop addiction problems and this ends up harming their financial, personal and family situation. We recommend that, to make your visit to the casino safer, follow the following recommendations:
- Never play under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Don't play coerced. Play only when you decide.
- Don't play with the goal of recovering the money you've already lost. This can create a vicious circle and trigger the compulsive game mode.
- Limit the time and money you invest in playing.
- Don't neglect relationships with your family and friends for giving priority to gambling.
There are many ways to prevent compulsive gambling. The first thing you should do is honestly examine your reasons for playing and how the game can affect your day to day. If you tend to develop dependent behavior, it is essential that you set limits. In addition, it is important that the reasons for playing are purely playful and not professional, gambling must be entertainment and you should not aspire to it becoming your main source of income.
- We also recommend that you reflect on the following issues:
- Have you ever played to escape your problems?
- Have you neglected, even minimally, any aspect of your family life to be able to spend more time playing?
- Have you considered extending your limits repeatedly?
- Does financing the game have more priority than financing your personal or family needs?
- Have you ever felt pressured to play because all your friends played?
- Have you borrowed money to play?
- Have you lost time at work or class for playing?
- Have you ever bet more money than you intended to bet?
- Do you feel anxious if you can't play whenever you feel like it?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, contact our customer service. You can also search for information and help through numerous websites, such as Play Well or Future Without Game.
At, we give you the tools to control the amount you use in a bet. You can set your own monthly deposit limit amount and request the adjustment at any time. Simply contact our support and a representative will help you set your limits. User support is available by email during the week from Monday to Friday during business hours.
- To help you set limits that are right for you, keep these three aspects in mind:
- Determine what constitutes an acceptable loss before starting to bet.
- Take note of how often you play.
- Take note of how much time you spend in each game session.
- Use your answers to determine how much you would like to spend per day, per week or per month.
If at any time you start worrying about your behavior as a player, you can request one of the following options:
- A period of seven days of distancing.
- A period of one month of distancing.
- A period of three months of distancing.
- A period of six months of self-disqualification.
During these periods we will block your User Registration. Any new account you try to register during that disqualification period will also be blocked as soon as it is detected.
In addition, we will take all necessary and reasonable measures to ensure that you will not receive promotional material during that time either.
During the self-disqualification period, the request for temporary blocking of the User Registration will be irrevocably applied. You can contact us to reactivate User Registration once the self-disqualification period has ended. In our opinion, we reserve the right to withhold all money deposited and related to the Player Account.
You can also request a self-disqualification period by calling our agents. Our representatives are available by phone, email and live chat, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can request your distancing period at any time through the indicated communication channels.
- Gambling is a form of entertainment. It's not a quick way to become a millionaire to pay off debts.
- Gambling is a game of chance. There is no formula that guarantees profits.
- The decision to bet must be your own option.
- Never try to reverse your losses.
- Check your Player Account for the amounts you spend periodically.
- Make sure you know the rules of the games you play in.
- Like many things, what is entertaining in a moderate way, can be disastrous in excess.
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The WEB site belongs to the company W&C N.V. which is a limited liability company, domiciled in E-Comerce Park Vredenberg Curacao.
W&C N.V. operates under License No. 8048 / JAZ issued to Antillephone, Authorized and Regulated by the Government of Curaçao, hereinafter the "License".
The company's objective is to organize, market, promote, manage, and operate through its authorized sites, all types of remote gaming activities, including gaming, betting and other betting exchange operations, interactive casinos, bingos, lotteries, sports betting and other interactive games and entertainment.
The following are the terms and conditions of the Site. These rules are a binding agreement by clicking agreeing to these terms and conditions and/or by using the Site and/or accepting any bonuses or prizes, you agree that you have read and accepted these terms and any modifications thereto.
If you have any questions regarding the terms and conditions, you can contact customer service.
If you do not agree to these Rules, you should not register or continue to use the Site.
Operator: W & C N.A.V a limited liability company, domiciled at E-Comerce Park Vredenberg Curacao
Site: Corresponds to the Internet site available at the URL and any other related site accessible through links and/or other means of access operated by the Operator, including any mobile or mobile application version thereof.
Agreement: Means the set of terms and conditions and other clauses described in this instrument, the norms and rules contained in the "Privacy Policy" and in the "Game Rules" and detailed instructions for each of the specific games available on the Site.
User: Any person over 18 years of age with a valid and enabled user account on the Site.
User Account: It is a personal registration opened by a User, which allows him/her, under the conditions defined by the Contract, to have access to the Site and the Software through which he/she will play and bet online on the games offered. In order for such registration to be operational, it must be validated by the Operator after the checks defined by the Operator or required by any applicable regulations have been carried out.
Software: Any program, data or other element contained in the Site that allows the User to participate in online games.
Username and password: The username and password chosen by the User when registering on the Site.
Parties: Jointly the User and the Operator.
This Agreement governs access to and participation in the online games and bets available on the Site, whether free of charge (DEMO mode) or for a fee (playing for real money).
The opening of the User Account on the Site means that the User has read, understood and expressly accepted the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement.
The Parties expressly agree that the Operator is expressly entitled, without any right to indemnification or compensation for the User, and without the need to state any cause or grounds, to close, cancel or block the User's Account and/or the User's Account in case of breach of these terms and conditions.
The Agreement forms an indivisible contractual set. The Operator is expressly entitled to modify and/or update the terms and conditions of the Agreement from time to time, such modifications and/or updates to be duly communicated through the Site, which must be accepted by the User.
Participation in the games offered on the Site is reserved for Users who have duly registered on the Site. This registration process implies the obligation of the User to identify himself/herself by means of a user name, e-mail address, and a password, as well as to provide his/her first name, last name, full address, nationality, sex, date of birth, national identity card number, cell phone number, and any other information that may be required during the online registration process.
The data collected during the registration process, as well as other data provided by the User through the use of the Site, will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy.
The User agrees to provide accurate and complete information during registration, as well as to keep it updated. Therefore, it is forbidden to use inaccurate registration data, to usurp the identity of third parties or to choose a user name that may cause or induce confusion.
It is forbidden for the same person to create several user registrations, whether this is done from the same computer or from different computers and/or from the same Internet connection.
Upon suspicion of multiple registration of a User or Users acting in collusion or as a syndicate, the creation of fictitious accounts or the use of proxies, the Operator reserves the right to change or rescind any bonus offer, cancel any earnings, block or close the User's Account and/or the User's Account and/or Users.
The User Account is personal to the User, and may not be assigned or made available or made accessible to third parties by any means.
The User must meet the following conditions:
When the User checks the box corresponding to the mention "I have read and accept the terms and conditions of the Contract", he/she certifies that he/she is over 18 years of age, that the information included in the registration is reliable and that he/she does not have any other User account on the Site and declares to comply with the aforementioned conditions.
The information communicated during the creation of the User Account must be truthful, complete, accurate and updated by the User. The User agrees to inform the Operator of any changes affecting the information provided during registration. In the event that the aforementioned registration conditions are no longer met, or that the information communicated is no longer accurate/true/complete or up to date, the Operator reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate the User Account and access to the Site.
The User authorizes the Operator, without geographical or time limitation, to use the User names to be used on the Site.
The Operator reserves the right to prohibit the use of a pseudonym or user name that it deems inappropriate or contrary to public order or decency or that creates confusion as to the identity of another User.
The User must enter his/her password each time he/she accesses the Site in order to be properly identified by the Operator.
The only information available and visible to all Users is the User name.
The Operator recommends the User to choose a user name different from his/her last name and first name. Once the Operator has approved the user name chosen by the User, it will no longer be possible to change it.
In case the User forgets his/her password, he/she should click on the "Forgot your password?" link on the home page of the Site and enter the e-mail address associated with his/her User Account.
The Operator will send you a link by e-mail that will allow you to generate a new password.
If the User forgets, loses or steals his/her username and password, he/she shall send an e-mail to the Operator at The Operator shall take all necessary measures to restore the User's access to his/her account, after verifying his/her identity, for which purpose the Operator may request such information and proof as it deems necessary for this purpose.
The Operator shall perform the verification of identity and compliance with the provisions of this Agreement based on the information provided by the User at the time of creation of the User Account and shall be entitled to require during this process or at any other time the exhibition of documents to prove the identity of the Users.
The User can change his/her password, for which he/she will be required to enter the password used up to that moment.
The right to cancel the User Account can be exercised in the "Contact" section of the home page, by writing a message to customer service with the subject "I wish to cancel my registration" in which you must indicate e-mail, name, surname and postal address.
The Operator shall respond to your request within a maximum period of one (1) month from the date of its receipt, provided that it is duly detailed and includes all the elements necessary to respond to it, in the absence of which the Operator shall ask you to specify them.
The personal data processing regime is regulated in the Privacy Policy.
The User agrees that the Operator may verify who he/she claims to be. Therefore, he/she agrees to provide all documents requested to verify the registration and payment information, such as (by way of example) passport, utility bills, bank statements or any other document proving the origin of the funds, if necessary.
The Operator has a section dedicated to responsible gambling, with several pages and detailed information. The Operator will make available to the User several tips, a responsible gambling test, a list of Help Centers, as well as the possibility of requesting self-exclusion from the Site.
The User declares that he/she has been informed that access to the Site and participation in the game requires an Internet connection that allows communication with the Site.
The User releases the Operator from all liability in the event that access to the Site and participation in the game is impossible due to force majeure, use of inadequate equipment by the User, access via VPN, or from territories restricted by the Operator.
The User warrants to the Operator that the equipment used is free of defects that may affect the proper functioning of the Site.
The User is obliged to use an updated antivirus.
The User may under no circumstances authorize third parties to use his registration account, password or identity to access the Site. The Operator shall not accept any claim relating to gambling activities carried out on his/her account by a third party.
The Operator shall not be liable in any case for fraudulent or abusive use of a stolen User Account, bank accounts, credit or debit cards.
The User is therefore solely responsible for the use by third parties, whether authorized or unauthorized, of his computer equipment, e-mail address, pseudonym/username and/or password, as well as his bank card and means of payment in general. Therefore, he/she is bound by the provisions of this Agreement to their safekeeping and proper use, and exempts the Operator from liability in case of damage caused by the use of his/her username or password by third parties.
The User agrees to take all necessary measures to maintain the confidentiality of his/her access data. He/she must log out of his/her account at the end of each session. You must ensure that the links you use to participate in the game direct you to the Site, and you must check that they are the Site's web address. Any participation in games that are not on the Site, i.e. via web addresses other than the Site, is considered non-existent and exempts the Operator from any liability for the consequences thereof.
The User is prohibited from downloading, posting or transmitting by any means whatsoever any content that contains computer viruses or any other code or software designed to hinder, distort, interrupt, destroy or limit the normal operation of the Site, the Software or the games and betting services.
The use of the Site is completely free of charge. The User agrees not to commit acts or engage in behavior that may harm or damage the operation and/or reputation of the Operator and the Site.
It is forbidden to modify or attempt to modify the functions of the games offered and the bets, especially to alter the results or any other element that determines the end of a game or its winners or that may affect your winning probabilities or those of other Users or cause losses to other Users.
It is strictly forbidden for the User to use robots, research programs or other manual or automatic procedures aimed at obtaining, recording, storing, recording or reproducing the structure or presentation of the Site. It is also strictly forbidden to use stochastic calculations or any other computer program, artificial intelligence or any other program that may affect the normal operation of the Site. If the Operator considers that the User has modified or attempted to modify the devices used to play, in express violation of the provisions of this clause or any other provision of the Agreement, it shall be expressly entitled to suspend or cancel the User's Account, freezing the existing balances in it.
The Operator is authorized to communicate this action to the competent authorities for the determination of the pertinent responsibilities and to keep the balances frozen until the judicial process is resolved.
The User declares that he/she is aware and accepts the fact that playing the specific games offered on the Site may not bring him/her any winnings, and may even cause him/her to lose money. The User shall personally bear the consequences of all financial losses and hereby waives any legal action for this reason against the Operator.
The User declares that the funds used to play on the Site are of legal origin and agrees not to use the Site for the purpose of transferring funds to third parties or to engage in any unlawful or fraudulent activity, as well as any transaction prohibited or other than the use of the services offered on the Site.
The User is strictly prohibited from forcing, or attempting to force or circumvent in any way the security measures implemented by the Operator, including those relating to registration procedures.
The User agrees to use the Site, as well as any element related to it (links, hypertexts, software, databases, editorial content, graphics, etc.) in compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
The User declares and accepts that any sum of money existing in his/her gaming account does not generate any kind of readjustment or interest; regardless of the period of time that the money has remained in the User's Account.
The User agrees to comply with any tax obligations that may apply to him/her. He/she shall be solely and fully responsible for declaring, registering, paying and accounting for any ordinary or exceptional taxes or fees that may accrue before the tax authorities of his/her domicile in the event of profits. The foregoing is without prejudice to the Operator's possible legal obligations to communicate to the corresponding tax and tributary administration about the User's data.
It is strictly forbidden for the User to collect or gather any information concerning other Users of the Site.
The User may make use of the Services strictly in a personal, non-professional capacity, in his or her own name and expressly not on behalf of any other person or company. The User may only make use of the Services for recreational and entertainment purposes, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, together with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Any use of the Services by a corporate player or for commercial purposes is prohibited.
Upon suspicion of any use of the services in violation of this article, the Operator reserves the right to change or rescind any bonus offer, cancel any winnings and close the User Accounts involved.
Considering that this is a personal account for that specific User, whereby the User has been identified, and also that the method of payment of winnings is connected to the Player himself, in order to avoid possible money laundering, financing of terrorism or other crimes, the Player may not assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer or impair any of his rights or obligations under the Terms and Conditions.
In case the User prevents any of his rights under the Terms and Conditions, the player shall lose all his rights under the Terms and Conditions towards the Operator.
In the event that by law, or by court decision, the transfer of the Player's rights and/or obligations is deemed legal, all withdrawals will be made using the same payment, method and payment details chosen by the Player when making a deposit, to ensure compliance with anti-money laundering policies and regulations.
The User is free to enter and participate in the dialogue spaces offered on the Site (real-time chat), provided that he/she complies with the legislation in force and with this Agreement.
The User is obliged to respect the elementary rules of good conduct, education and courtesy, and especially the following:
- Treat your interlocutors politely;
- Avoid personal attacks;
- The User is prohibited from disseminating or propagating messages of hatred, racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, homophobia, defamation or contrary to morality and public order, and in general any denigrating or unpleasant message on any subject, including all spaces for discussion and respect for the Users, the Site, the game or the Operator.
- Messages contrary to the spirit of the Site, such as messages stating political or religious opinions, or messages that are abusive, excessive, out of place or tend to mislead other Users with respect to the rules of the game, or pretending to be other people, especially by impersonating a moderator, host, employee, collaborator, partner or affiliate of the Operator, are also prohibited in these discussion spaces.
- The Operator reserves the right to remove from the forums and discussion spaces any message contrary to this clause.
- Each User shall be solely responsible for the content of the messages posted in the discussion areas. The Operator may not be held liable in any case for the content of messages, and especially for their unlawful nature under the applicable regulations, as well as for any loss or damage arising from the use of the content posted, transmitted by instant messaging or in any other way through the forums or discussion spaces.
The User may make wire transfers, cash deposits or deposits by means of banking instruments to his/her own User Account.
The Operator reserves the right to check any transfer or deposit made by the User in order to determine its origin.
It is strictly forbidden to make electronic transfers and/or deposits to the User Account from accounts of third parties, other than those of the User who holds the User Account of the Site.
The User may not transfer or receive funds from one account to another and/or transfer, sell or buy accounts.
Part of the User Account crediting procedure is the receipt of funds or deposits from the User through payment companies or purses offered on the Site. The collection companies receive the deposit, verify that the funds were duly credited and inform and validate internally to the balance accreditation platform, the User's name, User Account data and amount deposited.
The Operator may make available to its Users external collection and payment companies that may be used at the User's choice.
Provided that all provisions of the present Agreement are complied with, the Operator shall immediately execute the withdrawal requests of the Users. The procedure starts from the request generated on the page by the User from the Site. This request enters the payment process, which is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.
For new Users, in the first withdrawals and as part of the verification of the User's identity, a copy of his/her identity document on both sides will be requested, which must be valid. In case the identity document is not valid, the User's Account will be automatically suspended and the withdrawal will be pending until the User proves his/her identity and means of payment with a valid document.
If the deposits have been made through external online collection companies, the Operator may require proof and photograph of the means of payment used, whether credit or debit card. Such photograph shall show the front of the respective bank card, displaying the name of the cardholder and only the last 4 digits of the card. The above in order to verify that it corresponds to the holder of the payment method with the identity document and the data of the User Account of the Site. If it does not correspond, the withdrawal will be withheld and the account will be suspended and will go through an account investigation process, being the withdrawal subject to what is determined in the resolution of that investigation.
For deposits made through online collection companies, the Operator reserves the right to process withdrawals only when funds are properly credited to the Operator's accounts, which normally takes up to 48 business hours from the day following the deposit.
The Operator reserves the right to request an additional source of funds on a case-by-case basis.
For all users, the Site Operator reserves the right at any time to request the User to verify his identity and means of payment; by requesting the documentation that accredits it or any other technological means it determines, such as biometrics of the User. All these verification measures have the sole intention of safeguarding users from fraud, misuse of their means of payment and prevention of money laundering.
Maximum Deposit per day: The maximum amount that the Player can deposit per day/24 hours is USD $10,000. Any deposit above such maximum amount may be cancelled and returned by the Operator.
Maximum earnings per day: The maximum amount of earnings per day/24 hours is USD $10,000. Any earnings above such maximum amount may be cancelled by the Operator.
Maximum withdrawal amount per day: The Player may only withdraw the maximum amount of USD $10,000 in any twenty-four-hour period, unless a higher amount has been agreed upon between the Player and the Operator.
The Operator may refuse a withdrawal request if suspicion arises that the funds are being withdrawn for fraudulent or money laundering reasons, pending investigation thereof.
Notwithstanding the maximum withdrawal amount as defined in this article, the maximum withdrawal amount is limited by the limitations established by the payment method chosen by the Player when making a deposit.
Amounts and withdrawal process times: The procedure for amounts less than the equivalent in local currency of UDS$1,300. - is processed immediately, after verification of user account data, amount withdrawn and generation of the payment instruction, which may be made by bank transfer or deposit by bank check. The Operator will process it immediately, understanding that due to the need for third party intervention and according to demand it may take up to 2 hours from the request.
For amounts equal to or greater than the equivalent in local currency of UDS$1,300.- an authorization is required from the financial and game analysis platform, which is a check of the User's movements. The approval has a maximum execution period of 8 business hours. In this instance a verification of the identity and legitimacy of the user's means of payment can be determined. Once the payment is approved, the payment method is instructed to make the deposit to the User, which may take more than a day.
Same Payment Method for Withdrawals: All withdrawals must be made through the same payment method and payment details chosen by the Player when making a deposit, unless the Operator is unable to do so or decides otherwise. This is at the Operator's discretion. If the Player has deposited using multiple payment methods, the Operator reserves the right to split the Player's withdrawal between such payment methods and process each part through the respective payment method at its discretion and in accordance with anti-money laundering policies and regulations.
Withdrawal to the same person: The Player agrees that all deposits/withdrawals made to/from his/her Player Account are transferred to/from bank accounts, debit cards, credit cards, wallets or any other payment options available in the Player's country, which belong solely to the Player and are in the Player's name.
It is prohibited to make any withdrawal from a player account, bank account(s), debit card(s), credit card(s), wallet or any other payment option that does not (solely) belong to the Player. This is to prevent the Operator from transferring funds to persons who have not been properly identified by the Operator, in accordance with anti-money laundering policies and regulations.
Jackpot Payments: For jackpot payments, understood as amounts equal or greater, equivalent in local currency, to UDS$10,000; in addition to the verification of the identity and means of deposit of the User, the Operator has the right to request the Player to provide the operator with the source of funds when the Player makes/has made a deposit of an amount greater than the indicated amount.
In these cases, payment may be made through a bank document other than a transfer to the User's account, issued by the financial institution that provides payment services in the corresponding jurisdiction, after signing a document of receipt.
Withdrawals without consumption of services on the Site: The Site provides entertainment services of gambling and sports betting for persons over 18 years of age. A User is considered to have consumed Site services when he/she has placed bets for at least 50% of the deposited amount. Withdrawals requested that do not meet this condition will be penalized with the equivalent of 5% of the amounts deposited, a percentage that will be automatically deducted at the time of processing the withdrawal and will be passed on to the operator as a penalty and anticipated assessment of damages.
In the event of discrepancies between the result displayed on the Site and that recorded directly or indirectly by the Operator on its computer server, the latter shall prevail in any case.
The use of the User Account is strictly limited to participation in the online games offered on the Site. Deposits to the User's Account may only be made for this purpose, to the exclusion of any other use, such as a bank account or transfer of funds to another user of the Site.
It is strictly forbidden to "chip transfer" at the Poker tables. Users caught with these fraudulent behaviors, both the User who intentionally loses the hand, as well as the one or ones who receive those chips, will be immediately sanctioned with the closure of the User Account and the payment of a monetary fine equivalent to the existing balance in the User Account, without the right to any further claim.
A "chip transfer" is defined as when a User intentionally loses hands to one or more Users in order to pass his or her funds to them or to third parties. This is detected by the review of the poker hands played by the specialized platform, which analyzes them and issues a report indicating whether they are properly played hands or, on the contrary, it is a "chip skimming".
The report of the specialized platform indicating the existence of this "chip transfer" will be sufficient to exercise the aforementioned sanctions on the Users involved.
The Operator uses private/public encryption methods to ensure, as far as possible, the confidentiality of the User's password and to protect access to the Site and the games. However, the User is solely responsible for the proper use of his or her User Account and the confidentiality of his or her password.
The User expressly agrees not to oppose, revoke and/or cancel any payment of the amounts transferred to the Operator at his financial institution for any reason whatsoever. He/she shall act in the same manner in the event that any amount has been charged to his/her debit card. Therefore, the User irrevocably and definitively waives the right to object or refuse any payment for amounts due to the Operator.
The User grants the Operator the right to deduct from the User's Account any amount improperly received due to fraudulent use or malfunction of the Site or the games.
The User shall indemnify the Operator for any loss related to the User's payments or possible non-payments, or misuse or abuse of the User's User Account.
The User expressly agrees that:
The Operator offers the User a voluntary self-exclusion mechanism to control his/her bets. Self-exclusion means that the User's Account on the Site will remain restricted for a period of time that the User may choose.
This is a way for anyone who believes they have a gambling problem (compulsive gambling) to restrict or close their account. In this case he/she will not be able to play, deposit money, although he/she will be able to make total or partial withdrawals.
If the self-exclusion is for an indefinite period of time, the User is obliged to withdraw all available funds from his/her account.
The User may exclude himself/herself from the following game categories:
The User may also exclude the following game providers:
All Users who have an active self-exclusion of any kind will not have the possibility of obtaining bonuses from the Operator until the revocation or expiration of the current self-exclusion.
The Operator agrees to comply with the self-exclusion established by the User, and to offer him/her the mechanisms to have it revoked. It is important for the User to take into account that in order to get out of the self-exclusion he/she must request the revocation by filling out a form. The revocation will be processed as soon as possible, and may take up to 48 hours.
The User may request the revocation of any self-exclusion from the self-exclusion menu available on the Site, which will be answered within 48 hours after the day on which the request was made.
The Operator offers several solutions for the control and limitation of Users' free will, who are free to set the pace of their activities within the Site.
The User has the possibility to limit himself/herself, ie, to set limits as to the amount of money he/she will bet (beyond the credit he/she has in the system); to limit the duration of each session (the time he/she can remain playing); and the winnings that can be generated.
Deposit Limits: Allows the User to set limits on the deposits that can be made within the Site. It can be modified in the Auto-Limit menu section. Deposits over the self-imposed limit will be rejected for exceeding the limit.
Betting Limits: Allows the User to set the limits on the bets that the User may place within the Site. It can be modified at any time in the Auto-Limit section of the menu.
Limits by Session Duration: Directly restricts the time in which the User can remain in a game session. This time is set directly by the User, who can modify it at any time in the Auto-Limit menu section.
The Operator agrees to comply with the self-limitation established by the User. It is important for the User to bear in mind that if he/she wishes to decrease any of the limits, the change will be effective immediately, but if, on the contrary, he/she wishes to increase any of the limits, the change will be applied within the following 24 hours and will require a second confirmation after this time has elapsed.
The Operator agrees to protect and respect the confidential information of each User of the Site. The document entitled "Privacy Policy", which is part of the Agreement, sets forth information regarding the use of personal data, as well as the rights and obligations of Users.
The Operator shall access the personal data of the Users when it needs to perform services related to the Site's services, such as processing deposits and withdrawals of winnings or providing additional information requested by its Users. E-mail is the main means of contact to inform Users about updates to the Site and the Agreement, to send promotions or to assist with operations such as deposits and withdrawals, as well as to answer questions sent by filling out a form on the Site. If the User does not wish to receive advertising material, he/she should unsubscribe from the newsletter or contact customer service.
The Operator has access to the personal data of the Users, as it is essential to carry out its obligations and to ensure at all times that the Users receive the necessary assistance.
The Operator complies with high standards of data protection and has taken the necessary measures to ensure that its Users' data is not accessible by third parties and that all communication between Users and the Operator is encrypted and strictly confidential.
All data obtained during the registration process and the use of the Site are stored in the Operator's database, even if the User decides to close his/her account. Such data is also stored as a measure to prevent fraudulent activities and money laundering. The Operator reserves the right to report any suspicious activity or to hand over any information to the competent authorities if it believes that there are indications of criminal acts.
The User accepts and confirms to be fully aware of the functional differences offered between the desktop version and the mobile version of the Site.
The User understands that the mobile version of the Site offers reduced functionalities. However, through the desktop version you will be able to consult and fully access all of the Site's options and applications.
The Operator agrees to make every effort to ensure prompt and professional access to the Site 24 hours a day, Monday through Sunday.
The Operator agrees that the Site will ensure the User fair chances of winning, thanks to the "Software Random Number Generator (RNG: Random Number Generator)". For this purpose, the Operator integrates on its sites only game providers from the online gaming industry that have the appropriate technical certifications for their games and live rooms.
In order to connect to the Site, the User acknowledges and accepts that he/she must have the necessary hardware and software, as well as an Internet connection compatible with the conditions of access to the games offered on the Site.
To this end, the Operator recommends that you have the Acrobat Flash Player program, as well as the following elements:
Hardware and operating system:
- PC: Windows 7 or later
- Macintosh: Mac OS X 10.13 (High Sierra) or later
- Browser software: EDGE or higher with JavaScript enabled Firefox with JavaScript enabled Chrome with JavaScript enabled.
- Connection type: ADSL 10 Megas Minimum Slots and for Live Casino 30 Megas.
If the User does not have this minimum configuration, he/she may be unable to use the services offered on the Site.
The User accepts that access to the Site may be interrupted or temporarily suspended, due to maintenance operations, updates to the Site or repairs to the same as a result of acts of piracy, vandalism or other circumstances beyond the control of the Operator such as, for example:
- Failures in the operation of the Internet network that prevent the correct development and/or operation of one or more of the games offered on the Site, or even access to the Site.
- A malfunction in the receiving equipment or communication lines.
- An addressing problem.
- A virus or malicious code, an anomaly or a technical, physical or logical failure of any nature.
- Suspension of Data Center services and backup servers.
- Acts of authority (including denial or revocation of any license or consent).
The Operator agrees to take all reasonable measures to limit these disturbances, insofar as they are attributable to it. The User acknowledges and accepts, for this reason, that the Operator has no responsibility and assumes no liability for the unavailability, suspension or interruption of the Site or its services during the game.
The Operator, therefore, shall not be liable under any circumstances for damages or inconveniences of any nature whatsoever, direct or indirect, foreseeable or unforeseeable, relating to the use of the Site, including, but not limited to:
- Loss of profit, loss of opportunity, cost of obtaining a substitute service or technology;
- All the consequences of the aforementioned circumstances;
- All consequences of an unforeseen event, force majeure or similar circumstance.
The Operator shall also not be liable if, for any reason beyond its control, one or more of the games or services are modified, postponed or cancelled.
Any evolution or change in the content of the Site may require the updating and/or temporary unavailability of the Site, which in no way implies any liability for the Operator.
Likewise, the Operator reserves the right to interrupt or suspend one or more of the games or services offered on the Site, at any time and without prior notice, without the need to justify the reasons or motives.
In this case, the Operator shall not be liable in any way, and Users may not claim compensation of any kind.
In the event of a complaint by a User due to the unavailability of the Site, the Software or a game, the Operator may request a "screenshot", without this request entailing any liability on the part of the Operator.
Finally, the User releases the Operator from any liability for any damage or inconvenience of any kind, direct or indirect, foreseeable or unforeseeable, suffered by the User as a result of abusive or improper use of the Site, the Software or the games by another User or third party, including, without limitation, damages related to economic loss, loss of earnings, loss of data or property damage.
The User accepts and declares to know that the Operator's liability, when applicable, shall always and in all cases be limited to the equivalent, in local currency, of US$750.
These terms shall apply regardless of liability, whether in contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability) or otherwise, and extends to the Operator's employees, agents and representatives.
In the event of system or media errors due to viruses or malicious code affecting the payment of accounts or any other parameter or element of the Site, the Operator shall not be liable to the User or any third party for any damages, costs, expenses, losses or claims arising from such errors, and reserves the right, in the event of such errors, to remove all games from the Site, as well as to take any other measures to correct such errors, but without any obligation to provide similar substitute software and/or games. The Operator shall not pay winnings obtained outside the normal course of the game, i.e. following access of malicious code in the game, platform failure, failure of the game supplier or manufacturer, embezzlement by an employee, use of piracy software or in case of other such reasons, winnings shall be automatically voided.
The Operator shall not be liable for any act or omission of the Internet provider or any third party with whom the User has contracted to access the Site. In the event of a dispute between the User and the Internet provider, the Operator shall not be involved in the proceedings, and such disputes shall in no way affect the User's obligations under this Agreement.
The Operator is not responsible for the quality of the Internet connection contracted by the User. Interruptions in the game due to Internet service failure are the sole responsibility of the User. Claims for games affected by Internet connection failure will not be accepted.
The User declares that he/she is informed that the Operator is the owner or beneficiary of rights relating to all the distinctive signs of the Site, the Software, the games and bets offered. The games and the Site are the property and/or rights of third parties legitimately granted to the Operator who is the exclusive holder of the corresponding rights.
Access to the Site and the use of the games imply the use of data and programs that are not the property of the User, and in respect of which the Operator grants the use to the User.
Any use of the games or the Site outside the legitimate connection authorized by the Operator is strictly prohibited.
The User is prohibited from infringing the aforementioned intellectual property rights in any way, in particular by reproducing, communicating or using (even partially) the distinctive signs of the Site, or by using all or part of the content of the Software, the games, the Site or any of its components.
The User is also prohibited from copying, printing, transferring and transmitting all or part of the Software or the games in any medium or form, as well as from selling, renting, subletting or distributing by any means the Software and the games, modifying the Software, the Site or the games, merging all or part of the Software, the Site or the games and bets with other computer programs, compiling the Software, the Site or the games and bets, decompiling, disassembling or translating them.
The User is prohibited from using robots, research programs or any other manual or automatic procedure that allows him or a third party to obtain, record, store, record or reproduce all or part of the content of the Site, the game and bet or data relating to Users.
The User is further prohibited from: (a) to allow one or more third parties to use the Site, the Software or the games without the prior consent of the Operator; (b) to reverse engineer or create derivative works of the Site, the Software or the games; (c) to use the Site, the Software or the games for purposes other than those described in this Agreement.
The User agrees to delete all copies of the Site, Software or games in the event of deletion of his registration, voluntarily or at the Operator's initiative, regardless of the reason.
In order to maintain strict security controls on the Site, the Operator will have 3 attempts for the User to enter his/her user’s name and password correctly, after 3 failed attempts the User will not be allowed access for 30 minutes, showing in the login window a message with the reason for the blocking.
The Operator reserves the right to suspend or terminate a User's User Account in the event of a breach of the Agreement or the law applicable to the relevant jurisdiction, without prior notice or compensation.
In particular, the following are considered non-compliance justifying the suspension or closure of the User Account and the associated User Account:
- Failure to respect the terms and conditions of the Contract with respect to the conditions of registration, or if the information provided by the User is no longer accurate/true/complete/up-to-date. The same shall apply in the event that the User is subject to a gaming ban.
- Abusive use of the account opening procedure.
- Unauthorized use of the User Account by the User (e.g. its use as a bank account, transfer of tokens).
- Abusive use of promotions and/or any other offers of the Operator;
- Any fraud, unlawful activity or attempted unlawful or unauthorized use by the User of the Site, Software or games by the User, including the use of the User Account by another User (even with the User's consent), as well as the use of stolen credit or debit cards or money laundering or terrorist financing activities.
- Any act of "piracy" against the Site, the Software or the games, including infringements of the Operator's intellectual property rights by the User.
- Any activity or attempt of collusion between Users.
- Any improper conduct of the User, verbal and/or written, when interacting with the Operator or any company that the Operator hires to provide service to its customers, such as: payment methods, call center, among others.
In case of suspension or closure of a User's User Account, the Operator reserves the right to:
- To report to the competent authorities, including judicial authorities, electronic payment service providers or other financial institutions, any illicit or suspicious activity by a User;
- Suspend or cancel any transaction, deposit or payment to/from a User.
- Block the User's balance to prevent the consequences of abusive or illicit, alleged or flagrant, use of the Site or games;
- To initiate any legal action necessary or useful to correct the User's non-compliance, to obtain reparation for the damage suffered by the Operator or to recover any profit that has been paid to the User subsequent to or by reason of the non-compliance attributed to it.
In case the User Account is closed by the Operator due to breach of the Agreement, the User shall be notified of the closure by e-mail to the address indicated during registration. Closure of the User Account shall result in forfeiture of any winnings accrued after the User's breach of the Agreement, without prejudice to the Operator's right to receive any compensation that may be due to the Operator.
The Agreement comes into force at the moment when, during the process of registration and creation of the User Account, the box "I agree with the Terms and Conditions" is checked and will remain in force until the closure of the User's User Account.
The User may terminate the Agreement at any time by sending an e-mail to informing the User that he/she wishes to terminate the Agreement and close his/her User Account.
The termination of the Agreement shall be effective when the User receives an e-mail notification from the Operator confirming the termination of the Agreement.
The User acknowledges that the Operator may terminate the User's User Account if the User does not register any activity for 12 months.
When the Account is closed, all funds in the User's account will be transferred (subject to deduction of the corresponding withdrawal charges) to the bank accounts, debit/credit cards or any other payment options available in the respective country (excluding cash), which belong exclusively to him/her and are in his/her name.
The User Account Cancellation Procedure for Inactivity is as follows:
After 12 months have elapsed since no activity or transaction has been recorded in the User's Account, the Operator shall send an e-mail to the address registered by the User, informing him/her that his/her User Account will be suspended if no activity is recorded within the following 15 working days. The inactivity of the User Account is counted from the last connection to the website.
If the User has not contacted the Operator and has not logged in to the Site since receiving the e-mail, the Operator shall be entitled to terminate the User's Account after the specified period of time has elapsed. In such a case, the Operator shall send an e-mail to the User informing him/her of its decision.
In the event that the Operator becomes aware of the death of a User, the User Account shall be automatically blocked. If after 6 months from the blocking, the legal heirs, in accordance with the applicable legislation, have not contacted the Operator, the User Account shall be cancelled and the amounts of the associated User Account shall become the property of the Operator.
If you wish to recover funds from closed, blocked or debarred accounts, you must contact customer service.
Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the User is obliged to send all requests for modification of data, suggestions, comments or make any complaint, through the Contact Form on the Site or by e-mail to
Game play claims must be entered through the form provided by the Site in the Contact/Game Play Claim Tab, which must be completed in full and expressed in a clear and precise manner; whether it is a particular slot, live tables, poker or sports betting game. Minimum antecedents for the review must be indicated, which are: ID of the play (all bets have an identification number), date, time in which the claimed event occurred (approximate range), name of the game (Slot title, live tables and table number) and description of what happened. It is allowed to accompany photographic material of full screen shot of the play, the screen shot must be complete, not a detail. They will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
No claims for game play or game situations received by CHAT Online, WhatsApp, phone calls, emails or any other means of communication provided by the Operator to its Users for other purposes will be processed.
Claims must be submitted within 7 calendar days of the original transaction or event giving rise to the claim. If they are filed after the deadline, they will be rejected outright.
The Operator may request the background information it deems necessary to resolve the claim. The Operator will inform by e-mail the receipt of the claim and will communicate the probable term of response.
The Operator reserves the right to amend, modify and update this Agreement, including the rules of the games and wagers available in each of the games offered on the Site.
The existence of the modification and its effective date will be communicated through the Site by means of a notice. Likewise, the User must accept the modified version and will not be able to play until he/she accepts such modification.
The Operator recommends the Users to regularly consult the text of the Agreement.
Refusal to accept amendments or updates to the Agreement will necessarily result in the cancellation of the User Account and the return of funds from the User Account, if applicable.
Bonuses are amounts of promotional money that the Operator provides free of charge to its Users for use on the Site.
Promotions are special events that the Operator offers to its Users such as free spins, Cash Bonuses (consisting of an amount to be able to play Slots), participation with a free weekly passbook in GanaGool and Slots Tournaments.
Within the promotions there are those organized exclusively by the Operator for its Users; and there are also promotions offered by the supplier of each of the games and which are of a general nature for the entire network of users in the different sites.
The Operator is only responsible for the payment of prizes of those promotions organized by the Operator exclusively for its Users. Each game provider is also responsible for the promotions organized and offered by the Operator, who shall be solely responsible for the payment of prizes of such promotion, either directly or through the Operator.
Any "Welcome" bonus is only available to Users who open an account on the Site and who have never had an account before, have never received a welcome offer of any kind, and who are invited to take part in the welcome offer by reason that such offer was specifically offered to them when registering on the Site.
The availability and use of bonuses and promotions is subject to the terms and conditions of each promotion and those set forth in this Agreement, as well as the general requirements for use of the Site and the contents of this Agreement. The User must comply with them in order to benefit from the bonuses and promotions.
Unless the particular terms and conditions of a promotion explicitly state so and given the promotional quality of the bonuses, bonuses or promotions granted by the Site to its Users, they have no pecuniary value and cannot be withdrawn by the User. Only the eventual profit generated with the Bonus can be withdrawn. At the time of withdrawal or collection, the profit generated with the bonus will be paid.
The User will be able to access the Terms and Conditions of each Bonus when connected to the site, through the link "Bonuses", where the special conditions of each of the bonuses to which the User may have access are listed.
The Operator reserves the right at any time to cancel or suspend a Bonus or promotion campaign, even if the campaign has not been completed, and the gains obtained or the position in which a User was in will be cancelled. Among other cases, this measure shall be applied when situations are detected such as: fraudulent use by the User, abusive use of the bonus and promotion system, malfunction of the bonus and promotion system resulting in illegitimate gains or positions due to a system error, error in the configuration of a promotion.
The Site shall offer the possibility to play the bonuses and promotions in the games enabled and defined unilaterally and freely by the Operator. The categories Poker and Sports Betting are excluded from the use of any of the bonuses granted by the Operator. The bonuses granted by the Operator are not transferable.
The User may have several bonuses, but can only use one bonus at a time.
The bonus expires when the bonus balance is less than the minimum amount established for promotional bets. For example, if the minimum amount established is the equivalent of US$1.- , the bonus will expire when the balance of the bonus balance is equal to or less than the equivalent of US$1.-. The bonus goal is understood as a total of bets equivalent to 40 times the bonus amount. For example, if a bonus of the equivalent of US$10.- is given, the bonus target will be (40 x US$10 = US$4.000).
The details of the use of the bonus will be available in the history of the Site.
The Bonuses and Promotions will be used with the consent and approval of the User, and their use is not mandatory for the User.
The Site will offer the mechanism through which the User may freely accept or reject the bonus or promotion, under his/her own decision and responsibility. In case the User renounces the bonus or promotion, it will be immediately and irrevocably removed from his/her account.
The bonuses or promotions assigned are independent of each other so the User may accept or waive them in the same way.
The Operator reserves the right to review all gaming records and transactions at any time and/or to monitor the use of any prizes, bonuses or free spins. If irregular Gaming activity (as defined below) is suspected, we reserve the right to disqualify you from any free spins or bonus promotion, or any other form of promotion and/or to withhold all deposits and/or winnings, and/or to close your Account.
Irregular play is considered an abuse of bonuses, and is not permitted on the Site. Irregular Gambling may include (but is not limited to) equal, non-existent or low margin betting, or hedge betting (single bets using all or most of your account balance and bonuses). These types of bets are considered Irregular Gambling when they are made on purpose to exploit bonuses; in addition, the following types of gambling are also considered Irregular Gambling:
- increase the balance and then change your playing pattern significantly (stakes, type of game, betting structure or other betting pattern) to complete any wagering or bonus requirements;
- using any betting system or placing even more money bets on any game of chance, and/or
- use of the double up or risk feature in a game to increase the chances of winning;
- significantly increase your balance after placing high value bets and then proceed to place bets of less than half the value of the previous bet in order to meet the bonus wagering requirements;
- wagering on Games that do not contribute to the wagering requirements, or games with a 0% wagering weight applied to them as specified in the bonus terms on their specific pages;
- bet on games with bonus money to accumulate value, lose the bonus and then secure the wager with the accumulated value with a second deposit.
As a Gaming Operator, we must comply with the Money Laundering Prevention rules and any associated regulations.
We must verify all transactions and report any suspicious transactions to the competent authorities.
If you become aware of any suspicious activity related to any of the games on the Site, you must report it to us immediately by sending an e-mail to CUSTOMER SERVICE.
We may suspend, block or close the User Account and hold funds, in accordance with any applicable Anti-Money Laundering rules.
If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed from these Rules and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect and unaffected by such severance.
The Site prohibits all citizens of the following countries from accessing our site, creating accounts and using our gaming platform: USA, France, The Netherlands, The Dutch Caribbean Islands; Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire, St. Maarten, St. Eustatia and Saba. Detected accounts created from these territories will be deleted and their funds, if any, will be frozen.
claims, disputes and conflict resolution
If any dispute arises from the agreement governed by these terms and conditions, a representative of the Operator's principal shall, within fourteen (14) business days of a written request from the Player to the Operator or when the Operator's principal has become aware of such written request (in the event that a representative of the Operator's principal has not been or has been directly addressed) engage in good faith discussions in an effort to resolve the dispute.
If the dispute is not fully resolved after the aforementioned discussions, each of the parties involved agree to enter into good faith mediation to resolve such dispute and shall do so in accordance with the rules/procedures in force in the Republic of Curaçao. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, within fourteen (14) business days following the aforementioned agreement to enter into mediation, the mediator shall be appointed by the director of the Operator. To initiate mediation, a party must give written notice to the other party to the dispute, referring the dispute to mediation (the "ADR Notice").
Unless otherwise agreed, mediation shall commence no later than eight (8) weeks after the date of the ADR Notice.
Neither party may commence any court/arbitration proceedings in relation to the dispute arising out of the agreement governed by these terms and conditions until it has attempted to resolve the dispute by mediation and the mediation has terminated, or the other party has failed to participate in the mediation, provided that the right to bring proceedings shall not be prejudiced by delay.
Belatra Games, con una trayectoría de más de 20 años, se caracteriza por el desarrollo dinámico utilizando la más alta tecnología para conseguir una diversa cartera de juegos en línea con temáticas frutales, históricos, míticos y deportivos, presentando musica, efectos, gráficos y animaciones de la más alta calidad.
Endorphina, es uno de los proveedores más exitosos en la industria del juego online a nivel mundial, reconocidos por su diversidad de juegos en la categoría de tragamonedas, los cuales poseen gran cantidad de animaciones, modernos y cautivadores gráficos en 3D, siendo esto una de sus características más influyentes para el jugador.
Espresso Games, un estudio boutique que se especializa en desarrollar juegos innovadores y elegantes para casinos en línea y móviles en todo el mundo, Nuestros motores patentados de premios acumulados de tragamonedas, Racepot y Reelpot®, Los productos multilingües y RNG de Espresso Games están certificados en algunos de los territorios más restrictivos del mundo, lo que significa que los operadores pueden estar seguros de que Espresso Games cumple con la industria y es confiable.
Pragmatic Play, es una de las compañías más sólidas en el mercado iGaming. Siendo este un proveedor que mantiene una cartera de juegos actualizados en las diferentes categorías existentes en el mercado y destacando las certificaciones que posee con la finalidad de manejar servicios a un alto standard de calidad.
Red Rake Gaming, se posiciona como uno de los proveedores principales B2B, contando con una cartera de juegos que va desde los slots, bingos, BlackJack y ruleta, su reputación lo establece como un proveedor seguro y confiable que maneja niveles de calidad óptimos para el funcionamiento de sus productos.
Turbo Games, es un proveedor orientado al futuro y sus jugadores pueden estar seguros de la transparencia en los resultados de cada ronda. Además, con su sistema Provably Fair integrado, todos pueden comprobar y verificar la imparcialidad de sus juegos. Turbo Games está capturando los corazones de los jugadores de todo el mundo, multiplicando los ingresos de nuestros socios al mismo tiempo.
Si usted tiene dudas respecto de su propio comportamiento en relación al juego, o si cree que apostar le está absorbiendo demasiado tiempo y dinero, le sugerimos responda este cuestionario en forma sincera y considere su situación.
Si obtiene tres o más respuestas afirmativas, se sugiere la presencia de un problema. A mayor número de respuestas positivas, se infiere mayor severidad del problema.
- ¿Se aleja del trabajo o su casa para poder apostar?
- ¿Apuesta para escapar de una vida aburrida o infeliz?
- ¿Se siente perdido y desesperado cuando apuesta y se queda sin dinero y necesita apostar otra vez lo antes posible?
- ¿Apuesta hasta gastar lo último que tiene, ya sea el precio de un café o el de una casa?
- ¿Ha mentido alguna vez sobre la cantidad de dinero o el tiempo invertido en apostar?
- ¿Le han criticado otras personas por apostar?
- ¿Ha perdido interés en su familia, amigos o hobbies?
- ¿Cuándo pierde, piensa que debe volver a intentarlo para recuperar lo que ha perdido lo antes posible?
- ¿Le dan ganas de apostar cuando ha discutido, se siente frustrado o decepcionado?
- ¿Se siente deprimido, con sentimientos autodestructivos o baja autoestima porque apuesta?